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Special Kids

What Strategies Can Be Implemented to Improve Writing Skills in Children With Dysgraphia?

What Strategies Can Be Implemented to Improve Writing Skills in Children With Dysgraphia?

Parenting is a challenging journey, and raising special needs kids adds an extra layer of complexity. Among the difficulties and joys, dysgraphia is an often overlooked aspect that can cause significant struggles for both children and parents. This discussion will focus on providing support and empathy to parents experiencing this challenging journey. The Struggles of Dysgraphia Parents of children with…
How to Help Children with Dyscalculia Improve Their Math Skills

How to Help Children with Dyscalculia Improve Their Math Skills

Sometimes the word “Dyscalculia” can be a mystery to people, but some people have encountered it plenty of times or may have even experienced it themselves. The pattern goes like this: So, what does Dyscalculia mean in reality?  People might hear different names for it; like Maths Learning Disorder, Dyslexia with Maths, or Dyslexia with Numbers etc.  For first-time readers,…
5 Signs That Your Child Needs an LSA

5 Signs That Your Child Needs an LSA

Let’s learn about LSAs! In the journey of a child’s education, some may require additional support and assistance to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) play an essential role in providing individualized help to children with diverse educational needs, including specific learning disabilities. This blog will explore five signs that indicate your child may benefit…

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention (Part 3)

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention (Part 3)

Grade Retention is the practice of requiring low-performing students to repeat the same grade in order to master what has not been learned. Often, educators recommend grade retention because of a child’s severe academic underachievement. It is also sometimes proposed when a child has been absent from school for a prolonged period because of illness. Retention is a complex and…

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention (Part 2)

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention (Part 2)

As educators and school authorities debate on the benefits of social promotion vs. grade retention, the pendulum swings back and forth on these two practices that are often the outcome to low student performance. Research on the benefits of these two options has come to different conclusions on their efficacy. When the graded schools began to replace the one-room schoolhouse…

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention

Social Promotion VS Grade Retention

Every year, by the end of the school academic year, educators across the country confront the issue of deciding on grade retention or social promotion for a student who has not done well in studies and/or examinations. While some schools opt for social promotion, others decide on grade retention. At a glance, the issue here seems to be grade retention…

Know more about our special kids

Know more about our special kids

Students with learning difficulties are frequently unaware of their condition. They are more than likely to believe that they are simply slow or unfit, and that writing and reading are not their cups of tea. Learning disabilities cover a wide range of learning patterns, social and psychological issues, as well as physical issues such as vision and hearing loss. Reading,…